In early summer you will find box turtles
crossing the roads. I picked up this guy (males have red eyes) and released it on “Hibernation Hill”.
If you look closely on
the shell near my thumb, you can see I have written “Ray 5-05” with a grease pen.

Another turtle from the roads. I called this one black nose.

I don’t know the name of this flower, but it was quite
common and in full bloom about mid-May 05. Note the poison ivy (3 leaf plant top left). There are also ticks and chiggers
in the underbrush. All three of these can be mostly washed off with soap and water, and the sooner the better, so let’s
go swimming! If you walk on trails or in streambeds, and don’t touch the plants, you can be in a bathing suit and never
have a problem.

Huckleberries are pretty common, and mostly get ripe in June
and July I think. These fat green ones were in a sunny spot near the road at the end of April. Most others were in shadier
places and much smaller still. (I think these are actually blueberries, and real huckleberries grow in real mountains like
in Glacier
National Park.)
On to work